How to Add Multiple Galleries in WordPress Posts and Pages

How to Add Multiple Galleries in WordPress Posts and Pages

Adding image galleries is a great way to make your WordPress posts and pages more visually engaging. With the native gallery feature in WordPress, you can easily add single galleries to your content. However, if you want to showcase multiple galleries in one post or page, it requires some additional steps. In this article, we will show you how to add multiple galleries in WordPress posts and pages.

Why Add Multiple Galleries?

Here are some key reasons you may want to add multiple galleries to your WordPress content:

  • Showcase different sets of related images
  • Compare and contrast images side-by-side
  • Break up long blocks of text and improve user experience
  • Increase pageviews and time on page with engaging visuals

Adding multiple galleries allows you to organize and display images more effectively within your content.

Ways to Add Multiple Galleries

There are a few different methods you can use to add multiple image galleries in WordPress:

1. Native WP Gallery Blocks

The easiest way is to use the native WordPress gallery blocks when using the block editor. Simply add back-to-back gallery blocks and upload different sets of images to each one.

2. Gallery Plugins

Plugins like NextGEN Gallery, Envira Gallery, and Modula allow you to create multiple galleries more seamlessly. They provide advanced gallery creation and management functionalities.

3. Custom Code

You can also add multiple galleries through custom HTML and CSS code. This offers the most flexibility but requires coding knowledge.

We’ll explain how to add multiple galleries using the native WordPress gallery blocks, as it doesn’t require any plugins or custom coding.

Step-by-Step Tutorial

Here is a step-by-step walkthrough on how to add multiple galleries to your posts and pages with the block editor:

1. Enable Block Editor

First, ensure the block editor is enabled for your WordPress site. This is now the default for all new WordPress installations.

Go to Settings > Writing and check that you have the “Block Editor” selected under “Default Editor”.

Show Image

If the Classic Editor is still enabled, click the radio button to switch it to Block Editor. This will allow you to access the gallery blocks.

2. Create New Post or Page

Next, create a new blog post, page, or custom post type where you want to display multiple galleries.

You can do this by going to Posts > Add New or Pages > Add New and drafting up new content.

3. Add First Gallery

When editing your post or page, click the “Add Block” button and select the “Gallery” block.

You can now upload or select existing images that you want to display in your first gallery. Arrange and customize this initial gallery block.

4. Add Second Gallery

To add another gallery to the same post/page, scroll down and click the “Add Block” button again. Select another “Gallery” block.

Upload or select a different set of images for your second gallery. Customize and arrange them within this gallery block.

5. Repeat for Additional Galleries

Follow steps 3-4 to continue adding more gallery blocks for additional galleries.

Simply add a new gallery block each time you want to showcase a separate collection of images. Add captions or other text blocks between galleries for separation.

6. Rearrange Galleries

You can now rearrange the order of the galleries within your content by click-dragging the gallery blocks. Get them in an order that flows well with the narrative of your text content.

This allows you flexibility over the layout.

7. Preview and Publish

Once you have added and arranged all your galleries, preview your content. Check that the multiple galleries are displaying properly and refine as needed.

When you are satisfied, click the “Publish” button to go live with your post/page containing multiple galleries!

Gallery Display Options

The native WordPress gallery block provides several display options to help your images look their best:

  • Square – Images appear cropped into squares at consistent sizes
  • Circle – Circular cropped images for a softer look
  • Highlight – Alternates between large and small images
  • Masonry – Pinterest-style irregular image sizes
  • Mosaic – Evenly tiled, mosaic-looking layout
  • Slider – Images appear in a slideshow carousel

Play around with these different layouts across your various galleries for visual interest.

Enhancing Your Galleries

Here are some additional tips for enhancing your multi-gallery WordPress posts/pages:

  • Write descriptive captions – Captions provide context and SEO benefits.
  • Optimize images – Compress images and optimize file formats for faster loading.
  • Use gallery plugins (optional) – For advanced gallery features like lightboxes.
  • Link images – Link thumbnails to full size images for closer inspection.
  • Add borders – Borders visually distinguish gallery blocks on the page.
  • Space appropriately – Use margin settings to add spacing between gallery blocks.

With these tips, your multi-gallery WordPress content is sure to impress!

So if you ever find yourself wanting to showcase different groupings of images within the same piece of content—try using multiple galleries. This creates a more focused and guided viewing experience for users.

Give it a try and see the visual impact it brings to your next blog post, page, or website content!


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